Thursday, February 08, 2007

Rolling, Rolling

I am off to the Wheel this weekend.

We will return to your regular programing Monday. (What is the regular programing around here anyway?)


Ann said...

Remember me? Sorry it been so long! I took a looong break from Blogger. Hope you and your family are doing well =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, I saw the kiddies this morning before I left for work. I got hugs from all : ) They're getting so big. Jovan was really excited before they even came. Ranj's mom said he was telling her everyone's names. We'll see you next week when you leave for Cali. Pack me up and take me too! Susan

Anonymous said...

Blogger won't let me post. Hopefully it will let me comment. Dell lost my computer and when I get the new one I maybe blogger will like me again.
