Friday, February 02, 2007


Here is the first project out of my own handspun:

I am happy with the way they came out. I found the yarn to be more consistent than I thought it would be and the socks are cozy warm. I will bring them to Disneyland to show them off in person, I can't capture the colour of the yarn real well with my camera. This makes two completed projects for January (I also knit a touque for myself, it never got any blog time)

I am doing well on my goal to knit a project a month. I read on a blog somewhere that FObruary is for finishing up a project that has been hanging on the needles for to long. I only have tow UFO's right now; a Christmas stocking for Quentin that has about 3 rows knitted and this one:

I love the yarn and the project but I goofed up somewhere on the lace pattern and I could not figure out where I had gone wrong. I did what any lace challenged knitter would do, I stuffed the project in my knitting bag and hoped it would fix itself. I think you know how that worked out.

I spent the better part of hour (maybe two) yesterday trying to figure out where I had left off in the pattern and trying to fix the mistake that had me frustrated enough to let this beautiful yarn sit for nine months. I am back on track now and thanks to Shannon will be able to stay on track more easily.

Shannon gave me an electronic row counter for Christmas that enables you to keep track of three different numbers at the same time. There are two lace patterns that have different row counts in this project and that was confusing me, the counter is making this project much easier. A huge thank you to Shannon for this project saving gift!

One of my darling children did something to the knitting needles while this project was in purgatory. Maybe chewed on them? Stuffed them into the pencil sharpener? I don't know, but the tips of the needles were rough and had some deep nicks in them that snag the yarn. I used some of Paul's epoxy to fill the gouges, I will sand that down and see if that fixes the problem. If not I will need to get to the yarn store...wouldn't that be a bummer?


Anonymous said...

You can put them in the pencil sharpner, assuming they are wood, then simply sand them. I like to use the oil off the side of my nose, weird, to oil the wood. They will be a bit shorter but will work just fine.


Shannon said...

Mom is right. Using the pencil sharpener and then sanding them works well. I saw on Knitty Gritty that you can use wax paper to oil the wood. Makes the yarn slide over the wood better. I've tried and it did work. Can't wait to see some more finished projects.