Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Honors Performance

Here is what we looked like on Saturday. Normally by this time we we are having rain and there is no snow on the ground. We are sitting at 8C today, but the even better news is that I will in Sunny California in just a matter of days.

There is a Fine Arts Festival here in the Loops that is put on for all the students who want to showcase theirs skills in front of an adjudicator and get some feedback on how they do.

There are all sorts of categories: musical stuff from vocals to instruments and there is coral stuff, kids who do short plays, children that stand up there all alone and do a memorized piece. There is dance stuff as well, everything from ballet to modern dance. There were 1200 performers all total that were a part of the festival.

At the end of the three week festival the adjudicators pick a few of the top performers for honors and they perform at the Sagebrush Theatre for all of the Loops.

Sebastian's and PJ's class did a performance last year that was chosen for honors so we did not expect them to be chosen again. They try to spread it around a bit from year to year.

As it turns out their group was chosen for honors again this year and they were the only group in their category invited to go. They performed a choral piece called "Sun Up"

The kids were amazing they memorized the entire thing, it was a 15 minute piece. Sebass got an honorable mention for his solo as Father Time.

The piece was about a group of Puddle Jumpers that are tired of the rain and want spring to come. They think of several ways to ask the sun to come out to play with them. First a general orders the sun up, then a girl suggest that they ask the sun to come nicely. They try to charm it up. They even have a go at casting a spell with the help of a witch in hopes of bewitching the sun to come out.

Finally it is father time that brings out the sun. He ticks through the months, right through to May Day and the sun decides to show herself. They were wonderful and they all had a great time doing it.


Wudas said...

maybe you have a few budding actors on your hands.

dwgnldy said...

The kids look so cute! Thanks for the great pictures.