Sunday, March 01, 2009

A New Love

I have been wanting a pair of front loaders (get your minds out of the gutter) for years now. I don't know how I have gotten by with a family of five and no front loaders. I bought these about a month ago and I am in love. I can fit way more stuff in there and they are better for the environment.

I love that this pair has a sanitize mode, no more bleach for my running gear. I washed all the linens off the beds with the sanitize mode, all the towels in house smell fresh all time. I used it on Paul's hockey gear and it took the odor out of it all together. I don't know if you have the pleasure of hockey stink but it one of the worse smells ever.

When I bought them, Paul actually asked me if really thought we could use a washer that holds so much. Dude seriously needs to do some laundry in this house. I definitely don't have to do laundry as often as I used to.

Shannon and Mom have been posting such pretty spring pictures I thought I'd show you what our backyard looks like right now. Last week we had another cold snap, we are usually starting to melt by now but the melting season seems to be starting a little late this year. We got a bit of fresh snow last night and the sun is shining today. Here is the second snowman of the season. The first one is a chunk of ice about the size of an exercise ball hiding behind this one.

We got a bit of melt in freeze in mid February so under all this pretty soft snow is a layer of ice about 4 to 6 inches thick.

I have never seen an icicle grow in this spot before. This thing is amazing and the kids have left alone to see just how long it would get. During the melt/freeze last the month it really grew quite a bit. I think it is about 3 feet long and would be longer if it hadn't run into the top of the retaining wall in the backyard.

It did get up to 5C today and here you can see the roof of our house steaming as it warms up.

As you look down the street you can see the whole neighbourhood steaming away. I think it looks pretty and makes me feel a bit like spring just might be around the corner. I heard a rumour of 10C for Monday T-shirt weather!


Shannon said...

Your photos are beautiful. Right now we're enjoying some rain.

Wudas said...

We were supposed to get this big storm that was to drop inches of rain yesterday. It sprinkled off and on. Guess the storm went north of us. Today we have sun off and on.

Anonymous said...

Love your photos...aren't front loaders great. I know where that rain went... it went to Placerville. It started raining Sunday and it howled into Monday and now yep, still doing the rain thing. I am ready for spring....Sandi

dwgnldy said...

Wow! I love the snow pictures. Especially the steam coming off the roof. Mother Nature sure knows how to make picturesque scenes. Doesn't she?

My front loaders are old considered to the new brands that are out today. I had a choice of Maytag or Whirlpool. Don't get me wrong, I love mine and when the time comes they'll be replaced with another set of front loaders. No more hurting my back moving loads from washer to dryer.

Dave made a stand for them so they're custom to my height. They'd be way too low for you and Shannon.

Bite the bullet and get the platform to put them on or have Paul make you one. It's absolute heaven not having to bend and stoop like an old woman.