Wednesday, December 14, 2005


First some business. Mom, I don't know if you noticed in the comments, but I did get your box of goodies a while ago. Shannon, your box of things came just yesterday. I sent my box to dads house last Friday, I hope it makes it in time for Christmas. I sent it to Dad's because I could not find your new address Shannon, perhaps you could email it to me.

I am sure you are waiting to hear about the wheel. I think I have not blogged since I got home because I am still digesting all I have learned. I will try to share bits and pieces as I digest them and become ready to share.

I can tell you that it is amazing work. I feel as if I have changed somehow. As you know the first direction is South and it involves dealing with your past. I feel like I let go of a lot of baggage, I feel lighter and more at peace with myself and who I am.

I feel like most of the teachings from the weekend are sitting on top of my head and I have not quite learned them yet. I know why the next weekend is 6 months away, it will take that time and more to work with what I have so far. I promise to share more of my experience as I can.

I did take the camera with me last weekend but I only took a few pictures. The light was very flat and it was difficult to take a good picture. Here are my two favorites.


Wudas said...

Where was it held?

angie, party of one said...

Sounds like a great experience.

Shannon said...

Thank you for letting me know that you got the box. I sent you a Christmas card several weeks ago. It should have our address on it.