Thursday, March 23, 2006


I have been feeling a bit Bananas lately so I have a banana picture for you. Jamaican bananas, bound to make anyone feel better.

I spent a few hours yesterday and at least two more hours today typing up a letter for a lawyer regarding a patient of mine. It is quite an involved case and the letter is already 4 pages long. It is making my brain hurt and I am going to step away from up and try to finish it up tomorrow. I wanted to get in the mail by the end of the week but it seems that is not going to happen. I made it to the conclusion but after that I need to proof for the first time. Then I like to step away from it from a day and go back and proof it one more time. I usually pass it on to our receptionist at that point and let her proof it and then off it goes into the mail on Monday. I will feel better when it is done.

Two more bananas.

And one Caribbean beech, that will make everyone feel better.

I think I will go knit something really easy.

1 comment:

Wudas said...

I like bananas