Saturday, October 07, 2006

Out to Lunch

I wish I had a good excuse here, mostly I have been a bit lazy and have not fired up the computer in a few days.

We are on way to Vancouver this morning. Taking the kids to see since world and the storium. more on that when I get back with some pictures.

I got up early this morning for a quick post and to get everyone packed. I hope to have some great photos for you when we back on Monday afternoon.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Wudas said...

Since world and storium?

angie, party of one said...

Thanksgiving, sounds so strange. It's like 85 degrees outside, not turkey time!

Shannon said...

It's a little early for Thanksgiving here. I do know that in Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving a month earlier than we do here. I'm still working on Halloween.

Wudas said...

Isn't lunch over?

Anonymous said...

C'mon time to get back to work. Where's the next post??????