Friday, December 17, 2004

Photo Fiasco

This year I thought, what a wonderful surprise it would be to have professional photos taken of my lovely family to give to rest of my lovely family. Little did I know that this would turn into the Photo Fiasco. We had the photos done 2 months ago and got them YESTERDAY! Thank you for the last minute, three months in planning gift Photoman! Ah, the story gets worse...photoman delivers photos and they are terrible. I paid a kings ransom for photos that are blurry and well...just not that good.

Tonight we are having more photos hopes that we will be able to present our family with photos we love and can be proud of. The burning question: will the photoman give me back the kings ransom when I return the blurry photos? Or will he grinch us?

Knitting Front:

I am understanding the Knitters Christmas Panic. We leave for CA in six sleeps, I am chugging along on the Freak Vest, but have realized that I have not one pixie to do before then, but also 2 umbilical cord hats! I will never make it. I have to sleep and pack and take care of my lovely family. Oh yes and tonight I am having pictures taken...Again! So I will not have time to knit! Okay I am feeling better now. I will just do what I can and have fun doing it. Right now I am going to do the laundry. Endless task with family of five!

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