Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I have been meaning to share with you some of wonderful Christmas gifts before it gets to late. I was spoiled this yeat by my faimly and freinds. The gifts seen below are from my mom and sister. They sent me some great knitting books, I love knitting books. The yarn you see in the picture is my mom's gifts to the kids. She sent the yarn and a pattern for a hoody. The rest is up to me. I think she is sending me a valuable lesson in gauge. Big yarn=fast knitting. She is still teaching me things I need to know.

These beautiful champagne glasses are from my mom. She sends Shannon and I a set of Waterford crystal glasses every year, it is always one of my favorite gifts.

Paul surprised the heck out of me and bought me a lap top. I have started blogging from the laptop and I love it. It is fast and wonderful and I am using the heck out of it and enjoying every minute of it. See how spoiled I am.

Thank you all for your wonderful gifts. I had a wonderful holiday season.


Bonnie said...

I love suprises, I think thats what I like best about christmas. Paul is a good man.
I love how you love knitting books Kelly. You make activities, usually reserved for grandma's, cool. I need to start knitting again, but since I've been in France I've sort of gone on a scrapbooking rampage and that fills the "make something with your hands" need in my life.

Shannon said...

I'm glad that everyone liked their Christmas presents.

Wudas said...

The glasses are a plot to make my shopping easier and to make my glasses fit in with your when I croak. How's that for thinking ahead!