Saturday, January 22, 2005

Chiropractic Chaos

What a busy day! I started my morning bright and early with a 6 mile run with the 1/2 marathon clinic. I had a great run, my pace was good and I had a nice strong finish. I then raced to work, arriving there with only 15 minutes to get myself showered and ready to go. I was seeing my first patient at 10:00, right on time. We were incredibly busy, I worked straight through to 2:30 with not even a break to breathe. It was wonderful. I did get a bit grumpy the last few patients...I needed to get some food into my body. I get VERY grumpy when I am hungry.

Mom, you would be so proud of me, I went to the movies last night with Mnt. Goat MacKinnin, I took my knitting along on a whim, I thought 'maybe I can knit in the dark too!' The good news is I got lots done on my knittyville hat and not one mistake. It may be done by the end of the weekend and then it is on to the Kyoto sweater. Good, good, good.

Well we are going out for some drinks and appetizer with some friends. I am going to go try to make myself look less tired. Wish me luck!

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