Thursday, January 27, 2005

No Knitting Here

Yesterday was a sad day at the Ouimet house, no knitting no blogging...there was just no time. Therefore I have no great pictures of the left front of my sweater to post. I have dreams and visions of getting on the sticks tonight. Tonight is my DH's birthday so a dream it may be.

A good day yesterday, it is just that Wednesdays are crazy busy. I ran 10K in the wee hours of the morning and then got two of the kids off the pre-school. That was followed by the third Ouimet child and mommy running to Costco to break the bank with our grocery shopping. A quick dash to pick the kids up at school. Lunch with Debbles and LB, race home to get the kids down for nap time, so they could not nap. Unload the bank breaking groceries. Get the kids up and ready for skating lessons. Down to the office so Daddy can take them skating. I jet on over to Runner's Sole and lead my run group in another 10K run for me, then I race on over to Duffy's for beer and hot wings. Home, hot tub, bed. No knitting.

Busy, productive, fun knitting. I am going to go knit now. I must have a picture to post of the sweater soon, before I bore you all to tears with my pictureless blog.

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